Sunday, September 8, 2013
President Obama's traumatic brain injury scars
Ok, I have been noticing the scars on the back of of President Obama's head, and they are really extensive, and either indicate massive cranial damage or brain surgery, which obviously cause damage as well. Why is this man running our government and deciding whether or not we should start World War III or not with his finger poised over the button????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why when you google his scars to find out what trauma obviously occurred do you find out that his medical records have been sealed along with his birth certificate and birth place info, all sealed??????? Wake up America! We are just as brain damaged for not ever noticing these scars and questioning them from the beginning! We really are stupid and way too into their matrix to be missing the glaringly obvious things going on around us, when we are not sitting drooling watching American Idol, which is exactly where they want you by the way. This man is not who and what he appears! Why is he flipping every single argument he used to make, and now directly apposing them? He does not hold my best interests at heart or this countries. The last thing we need on this planet is more war and bombing!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Obama between your war agenda, your RFID chipping, and your new world order, tell me are you starting to feel like the Anti-Christ? You should. I rebuke you publicly. You will not make war in my name! You will not chip me! You will not force me to move from the country to the cities! You will not take away my right to bear arms! You will not take away my right to religion! You will not take away my childs right to be smarter than the government wants. You will not convince me to eat animal products known to cause carcinogens and all forms of illness, which we were not even built to eat, just so you can depopulate the country. Like an octopus you have your hand in every pocket of every human in so many different areas of their lives, they don't even stop to think of how much is actually staying in their pocket. You will not scare me with your HAARP weather weapon or your Low Orbit Ion Cannon's or every other thing that this government is using to rain terror down on everyone else and then blame it on someone else. I'm just a stay at home Texas mom, and it's clear to me, you are not fooling anyone Mr. President, and you are sure not fooling God. He does not deal in back alleys Mr. President, and neither should you as of late! Quit selling this country up the river! I know it doesn't mean that much to you, because it is not your home, but it is mine, and your walking on the fighting side of me! You think you will live well once the dust clears, and all of your elite Iluminati rise up from your underground bunkers as kings of the earth. You and your plans are evil and I will never believe otherwise do to your own actions. Keep it up, you will most certainly go down in History, but not for what you think. I am so ashamed of us as a people. Please people turn back to God and denounce this man for what he is, a liar, a schemer, and a fake. Some very powerful people are pulling his strings, and we are following him like a pied piper straight to Hell! Do not let him or this governments media fool you any longer, seek the truth, it is out there!
Monday, August 26, 2013
If you don't like my peaches don't shake my tree
Ok so we are enjoying our beautiful day on the porch, and my honey wanted me to put on some beatles and credence Clearwater revival. I have been enjoying the praise and worship music we were playing so I bit my lip and obeyed and put it on and cranked it up and while listening to John Lennon sing about "If you don't like my peaches don't shake my tree", Lo and behold God continues to minister to... me despite the secular music. He showed me how we are just like that, a crop that puts out these holy or unholy fruits, and we grumble about people who spread or cause bitterness or are just plain bitter or un sweet people in general, and I wonder what my fruit tastes like to others, and I wonder why when we first get a taste of other peoples bitter fruit, why we keep coming back to that tree for more? When we go out to eat and we are not satisfied with the meal we pay for, we tend to not ever go back to that place. But why as people do we not treat the fruits of other people that way, If they are not something that is nurturing to the soul why do we keep hanging around their trees. God keeps leading me and others to the fruits of the Spirit and how we are to bear all these fruits. I thank God for helping me exterminate, fertilize, scour, prune, feed, and weed, so my fruit could improve and become palatable to others some day. He also showed me through the music that he truly does put signs and messages everywhere, and will use anybody to spread his truth, even a sinner sometimes, who doesn't even intend for his music or message to be taken the way he meant it, God it teaching me how to go deeper in life and dig for truth all around me all the time. I saw a saying yesterday and now I'm not sure where I saw it, but it said you know how when you are really going through your worst tests and trials, you never seem to hear much out of God do you? Well the Teacher is always quiet during the tests isn't He? I want to be a tree that is pleasing, God showed me what to do with all the past things I had such a hard time letting go of. I can use all the crap from my past to fertilize the tree that will bring forth a pleasing future fruit, and keep weeding and watching for pests that come to destroy and rob the good fruits I will produce. I am not nor will I ever be perfect, but when my master some day walks past my tree, If he is hungering and chooses one of my fruits, I pray I am a good, honest, representation of what a Lorelei was created to taste like. Thanks to God for not giving up 0n me and pulling me up by the roots and kicking me out years ago when I truly deserved it. Thanks God for teaching me how to forgive and how to also forgive not just the puppet, or the one who harmed us, but the puppeteer controlling them too. Just as God can use anyone to send a message or fulfill a prophesy, the devil does the same, and is also very adept at using the saints as well as his sinners to accomplish his deeds. The only way this can happen, is if that saint has let his fruit become tarnished and is no longer hearing from the Lord, but being used by the devil to spread through Gods cornucopia and be as the one bad apple in a bunch always does which is corrupt from within. Guard your heart and your fruit for those who truly can see and understand just how sweet and tender you truly are.
Denomination Damnation?
Denomination damnation?
Ok I was baptized Lutheran and then at three was raised in a charismatic non denominational church, as a kid I never knew what this even meant or why we were non denominational. This was just what I was so I went with it. I have to say that I personally have never questioned the denominations of the church, I figured to each his own right? Well has God ever answered a qu...estion you never asked before? I find he is clearing up a lot that I never even knew or was taught to believe was wrong. For instance. He has been leading me to several spiritual books on revelations that represent Heaven and Hell in shape of a human body, he also has shown me that his church or "the body of Christ" is as well in the shape of a human body, now this is all churches as one forming one body, all denominations equals one body of Christ. He then showed me the Titanic, not the movie, but the true story. Arrogant humans took this vessel and built strong iron walls or partitions that could be lowered in the event of a flooding, and they could seal one compartment off from the others, and save the ship and were even prideful enough to call it unsinkable. Well maiden voyage, what happened, well I think we all remember the movie. He showed me that within the body of Christ, we have done the same thing through denominational walls of protection because of fear and arrogance. We have constipated the body of Christ with these walls of fear and arrogance, and His Holy Spirit cannot flow through the body as it was intended. The walls of arrogance and fear, and the I am better than yous, and you don't believe the correct way as me, have got to come down! He wants to move like a flowing water through the body of Christ and is constantly hitting barriers and walls that we have put up despite His plea to love our neighbors as ourselves. I listened to an old christian country song the other day that sang what would you do if Jesus came to visit you. Would you have to take a minute before you could let him in, would you have to clean up a few things, hide a few things, or would you be able to let him right in with no pause. I know I would have to clean a lot! I'm just a mess honestly. God has shown me how fear has crept into the churches in the forms of these walls and even I have seen the fruit of this fear grow in my own home church which greatly saddened me. When I was child my pastor was very down to earth and approachable and could relate to his flock. As an adult I have visited my old church and was rather shocked to find that my old teacher had body guards that even came complete with the stereo typical earpiece who would wisk him away to safety to the back before he could be approached by anyone at all for just wanting to say hi. I suffered over that scene for a while I have to say because I remember him in his younger years fearlessly jumping up and down on pews and preaching at the top of his lungs trying to save our souls, and hanging out after church fellow shipping for hours afterwards. God I asked what happened to my teachers faith? Do some of us get high enough in your eyes to deserve our own bodyguards as we walk through the shadow of death? This is fear and fear alone he said. Yet one more thing that keeps me from moving through that church the way I was able to do when you were a kid. I love my old church and my old pastor, it will always be the roots on which I stand, and I am blessed to have been a part of it when even as a child I could see and feel the Lord moving everywhere around me. I think this is why I have been unable to find another home church again. I can no longer find a church that feels like that anymore. So I am a stone in the field that cries out to my Lord to heal the church, drive out the fear and arrogance, and cleanse the churches with his divine correction and forgiveness, and guide me to the one that follows Your heart and Your truth. I miss being in the house of the Lord, it started feeling like the house of the people. My heart tells me I will find the right church again someday, but he's not done cleaning house yet, so I have to be patient. So I find God all around me in the beautiful place he has put us to wait on him, and I am always in church in my heart. Thanks for taking me to church even when I can't seem to get there yet.
Ok I was baptized Lutheran and then at three was raised in a charismatic non denominational church, as a kid I never knew what this even meant or why we were non denominational. This was just what I was so I went with it. I have to say that I personally have never questioned the denominations of the church, I figured to each his own right? Well has God ever answered a qu...estion you never asked before? I find he is clearing up a lot that I never even knew or was taught to believe was wrong. For instance. He has been leading me to several spiritual books on revelations that represent Heaven and Hell in shape of a human body, he also has shown me that his church or "the body of Christ" is as well in the shape of a human body, now this is all churches as one forming one body, all denominations equals one body of Christ. He then showed me the Titanic, not the movie, but the true story. Arrogant humans took this vessel and built strong iron walls or partitions that could be lowered in the event of a flooding, and they could seal one compartment off from the others, and save the ship and were even prideful enough to call it unsinkable. Well maiden voyage, what happened, well I think we all remember the movie. He showed me that within the body of Christ, we have done the same thing through denominational walls of protection because of fear and arrogance. We have constipated the body of Christ with these walls of fear and arrogance, and His Holy Spirit cannot flow through the body as it was intended. The walls of arrogance and fear, and the I am better than yous, and you don't believe the correct way as me, have got to come down! He wants to move like a flowing water through the body of Christ and is constantly hitting barriers and walls that we have put up despite His plea to love our neighbors as ourselves. I listened to an old christian country song the other day that sang what would you do if Jesus came to visit you. Would you have to take a minute before you could let him in, would you have to clean up a few things, hide a few things, or would you be able to let him right in with no pause. I know I would have to clean a lot! I'm just a mess honestly. God has shown me how fear has crept into the churches in the forms of these walls and even I have seen the fruit of this fear grow in my own home church which greatly saddened me. When I was child my pastor was very down to earth and approachable and could relate to his flock. As an adult I have visited my old church and was rather shocked to find that my old teacher had body guards that even came complete with the stereo typical earpiece who would wisk him away to safety to the back before he could be approached by anyone at all for just wanting to say hi. I suffered over that scene for a while I have to say because I remember him in his younger years fearlessly jumping up and down on pews and preaching at the top of his lungs trying to save our souls, and hanging out after church fellow shipping for hours afterwards. God I asked what happened to my teachers faith? Do some of us get high enough in your eyes to deserve our own bodyguards as we walk through the shadow of death? This is fear and fear alone he said. Yet one more thing that keeps me from moving through that church the way I was able to do when you were a kid. I love my old church and my old pastor, it will always be the roots on which I stand, and I am blessed to have been a part of it when even as a child I could see and feel the Lord moving everywhere around me. I think this is why I have been unable to find another home church again. I can no longer find a church that feels like that anymore. So I am a stone in the field that cries out to my Lord to heal the church, drive out the fear and arrogance, and cleanse the churches with his divine correction and forgiveness, and guide me to the one that follows Your heart and Your truth. I miss being in the house of the Lord, it started feeling like the house of the people. My heart tells me I will find the right church again someday, but he's not done cleaning house yet, so I have to be patient. So I find God all around me in the beautiful place he has put us to wait on him, and I am always in church in my heart. Thanks for taking me to church even when I can't seem to get there yet.
OBAMA is not a Christian! RFID Chip is proof!
Ok before I begin let me preface this with a little background on me and why I think God has chosen me for this little task of His. I am the youngest of 4 kids and if any of you know a youngest you know they have the biggest eyes and an even bigger mouth. We are the whistle blowers of the world. I have always known my mouth would get me into trouble some day, so it's time to step up to the plate and put my money where my mouth is and ask a very important question to our President, Mr. Obama. This is a question that is a little scary to tackle, and as one of the masses, I have noticed no one stepping up to the mike to ask it, so God has been nudging me to stand as David against the Giant here and take the bullet. First I will explain that I am very scared to be in this position, because we all know what happens to whistle blowers and big mouths with dreams in this country, and so I fully expect I could disappear or have accounts frozen or all sorts of terrible conspiracy theory things if I let my fearful mind wonder for even a minute on the possibilities of badness that may come down on me for this. So if I disappear, you are all my witness's as to who did it right? So hear goes.
Picture me standing on the White House lawn screaming "Hey Obama! I have a question! Come out and face your public and answer a question that God has told me to ask you!
Ok now that I have you out here, God showed me you when you were first put into office going to church and appearing to be a Christian, there was even debate over your preacher of choice as I remember, but either way we were being led to believe you were a Bible believing Christian correct?
Yes? Ok
If that is true Mr. President and I have to say I do not believe that it is, and I will tell you why in a moment, then you must be the worst student of the Bible on the planet or more plainly just a liar.
Harsh words yes, but now let me tell you why you are lying about being a Christian. Any true Christian who has been raised in church and on the Bible knows what Revelations says in the Bible unless there preacher has never read it to them, so in case that is you Mr. Obama then let me educate you on something for a minute. Any Christian who knows the Word of God would NEVER align himself with any form of object inserted into the hand or forehead as you are trying to do with this RFID chip. If you had ever read of the Apocalypse, then you would understand why everyone is referring to you as the Anti-Christ. What you are trying to initiate was written about thousands of years ago in the back of that book, and as a Christian you are either the most blind or the most deceiving person alive, the Anti-Christ. If you are getting tired of being called that and tired of all of the Christians that are rising up against these chips, read your Bible and you will understand why. If you were a Christian Obama you would NEVER put your fellow Christians on the chopping block when they refuse the chip, because you would know what it represents to them. The only reason you would continue what you are intent to do with these chips is to kill all religion. Do you not see that you are going to make a lot of martyrs here? I will have to be one of them, because I will not take the chip...ever, you will have to just put my body into one of those big black FEMA coffins you have ready to go at the over 800 FEMA camps you are preparing all over America...oops, no one is supposed to know about those yet are they? Sorry Mr. President. Obama I call you out as David did to Goliath! You are a liar and I stand with God at my back fearless and tell you publicly that We the people and God rebuke you and your actions, you do not hold my best interests or America's at heart. You do not even understand what our flag represents. You wear a pin with a flag that has diagonal stripes on it and is not the American flag, I wonder Obama is that going to be the new world order's American Flag once all the dust settles? People these are the end times, right here, right now, I wish it wasn't so, but people read your Bible, and watch the news and see what is happening and what you are voting for and who is really running the show. Mr. Obama I do not personally blame you, I know you are only doing what your handlers tell you to do as every other President before you, except the ones who were assassinated of course. But I believe that if the founding Fathers were here today they would curse you and your behavior. This is not a racial thing by the way, even Lincoln would agree with me and he loved black people as I do. This does not have to be your roll in History if you don't want it to be. Unless you are the anti-Christ and this is your plan, you can stop this before you fulfill a Biblical prophesy that no Christian man in his right mind would want to be a part of let alone responsible for. Please Mr. President the Lord begs you one last time to turn this country back to him before the final Judgement comes or we are all going down. Did you know that our founding fathers dedicated this country to God? Did you know where our founding fathers dedicated this country? On a little patch of land behind a little church in NY city. This little piece of property would later become ground zero. God is very angry for being kicked out of America. He has been removing his covering of protection ever since, and he will shake us to our foundations if we do not turn back to him as a country. You speak for us all, and I do not see you turning us back, I only see you ushering in Armageddon. Mr. President I urge you if you won't read your Bible, then read a book called The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn so you can see the roll you are either purposely or unwittingly responsible for.
I can tell you that much blood will be on your hands, if you think you will force us to take this Mark of the Beast RFID chip of yours. We will not. Do not makes us martyrs. Our blood will cry out and curse you from the ground as Abel's did towards Cain. If you are a Christian then you are our brother, do not murder us for the sake of power and total control. Do not play God and depopulate us, and play with the weather (Haarp), and expect to go unnoticed by GOD my friend. He sees it all through the watchers on the wall, we see it all and we are gonna tell Daddy on you! I would like to stand in front of you someday and have you answer these questions in public, but I don't think you would face me honestly, because you know I'm right. So if this is the last thing I get to post for obvious reasons, I might as well make it count. Thank you Father God for taking a plain, Texas, stay at home mom, and giving her the courage to stand and do battle in your name. Come what may your will be done Lord not mine, cause you know my will did not want to write this! Anyway I digress. It is accomplished, now maybe God will let me sleep.
Picture me standing on the White House lawn screaming "Hey Obama! I have a question! Come out and face your public and answer a question that God has told me to ask you!
Ok now that I have you out here, God showed me you when you were first put into office going to church and appearing to be a Christian, there was even debate over your preacher of choice as I remember, but either way we were being led to believe you were a Bible believing Christian correct?
Yes? Ok
If that is true Mr. President and I have to say I do not believe that it is, and I will tell you why in a moment, then you must be the worst student of the Bible on the planet or more plainly just a liar.
Harsh words yes, but now let me tell you why you are lying about being a Christian. Any true Christian who has been raised in church and on the Bible knows what Revelations says in the Bible unless there preacher has never read it to them, so in case that is you Mr. Obama then let me educate you on something for a minute. Any Christian who knows the Word of God would NEVER align himself with any form of object inserted into the hand or forehead as you are trying to do with this RFID chip. If you had ever read of the Apocalypse, then you would understand why everyone is referring to you as the Anti-Christ. What you are trying to initiate was written about thousands of years ago in the back of that book, and as a Christian you are either the most blind or the most deceiving person alive, the Anti-Christ. If you are getting tired of being called that and tired of all of the Christians that are rising up against these chips, read your Bible and you will understand why. If you were a Christian Obama you would NEVER put your fellow Christians on the chopping block when they refuse the chip, because you would know what it represents to them. The only reason you would continue what you are intent to do with these chips is to kill all religion. Do you not see that you are going to make a lot of martyrs here? I will have to be one of them, because I will not take the chip...ever, you will have to just put my body into one of those big black FEMA coffins you have ready to go at the over 800 FEMA camps you are preparing all over America...oops, no one is supposed to know about those yet are they? Sorry Mr. President. Obama I call you out as David did to Goliath! You are a liar and I stand with God at my back fearless and tell you publicly that We the people and God rebuke you and your actions, you do not hold my best interests or America's at heart. You do not even understand what our flag represents. You wear a pin with a flag that has diagonal stripes on it and is not the American flag, I wonder Obama is that going to be the new world order's American Flag once all the dust settles? People these are the end times, right here, right now, I wish it wasn't so, but people read your Bible, and watch the news and see what is happening and what you are voting for and who is really running the show. Mr. Obama I do not personally blame you, I know you are only doing what your handlers tell you to do as every other President before you, except the ones who were assassinated of course. But I believe that if the founding Fathers were here today they would curse you and your behavior. This is not a racial thing by the way, even Lincoln would agree with me and he loved black people as I do. This does not have to be your roll in History if you don't want it to be. Unless you are the anti-Christ and this is your plan, you can stop this before you fulfill a Biblical prophesy that no Christian man in his right mind would want to be a part of let alone responsible for. Please Mr. President the Lord begs you one last time to turn this country back to him before the final Judgement comes or we are all going down. Did you know that our founding fathers dedicated this country to God? Did you know where our founding fathers dedicated this country? On a little patch of land behind a little church in NY city. This little piece of property would later become ground zero. God is very angry for being kicked out of America. He has been removing his covering of protection ever since, and he will shake us to our foundations if we do not turn back to him as a country. You speak for us all, and I do not see you turning us back, I only see you ushering in Armageddon. Mr. President I urge you if you won't read your Bible, then read a book called The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn so you can see the roll you are either purposely or unwittingly responsible for.
I can tell you that much blood will be on your hands, if you think you will force us to take this Mark of the Beast RFID chip of yours. We will not. Do not makes us martyrs. Our blood will cry out and curse you from the ground as Abel's did towards Cain. If you are a Christian then you are our brother, do not murder us for the sake of power and total control. Do not play God and depopulate us, and play with the weather (Haarp), and expect to go unnoticed by GOD my friend. He sees it all through the watchers on the wall, we see it all and we are gonna tell Daddy on you! I would like to stand in front of you someday and have you answer these questions in public, but I don't think you would face me honestly, because you know I'm right. So if this is the last thing I get to post for obvious reasons, I might as well make it count. Thank you Father God for taking a plain, Texas, stay at home mom, and giving her the courage to stand and do battle in your name. Come what may your will be done Lord not mine, cause you know my will did not want to write this! Anyway I digress. It is accomplished, now maybe God will let me sleep.
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