If someone's actions or words are not uplifting, kind, gentle, or loving, Christ is not their master period. Do not be fooled or afraid to call it out in them no matter who they are, and especially if they are in positions of authority in a spiritual capacity over others. Tares exist within the wheat fields along with the harvestable wheat. They look like wheat, but they are not wheat, and they... will make you very sick if you consume them or what they are spreading. There are within the Body of Christ hidden tares or wolves in sheep clothing that are affecting the church and destroying it from the inside. Pastors need to identify and filter out the tares in their congregations or they will spread. If you see people acting like the devil but claiming to be Christians, once they have been warned of their behavior and they continue with it anyway. God said there is no more sacrifice for them, they are unredeemable and you are to turn away from them and put them out from your midst, do not even break bread with them. Do not judge the man, judge the fruit of their actions and words. If they are uplifting, kind, caring, and loving, they are of the Lord period. Choose your friends wisely. Condoning sin is as bad as sinning. God has a zero tolerance for sin. If anyone is preaching to you to condone and accept all who sin, they are a tare, run from them and do not listen. We are to love everyone and fish for men, we are to get the fish into the bucket and let God sort them out. He shows us who the tares are, those who HE knows have no intentions to change, but are only there to cause dissent in HIS house. God cleans up all the rest that are salvageable. Do not judge them, love them, but do not be afraid to throw out those that God shows you have an evil nature not of HIM that will only cause harm to the Body of Christ if you allow their constant strife, criticism, or gossips to polute the whole bucket of fish like ick. If you have ever raised fish you know what ick is, it is a yucky slimy mess that contaminates one fish and spreads through your tank and eventually kills them all. Men of God are to be shepherds watching the flock against all enemies, and now a days, the enemy is hiding within the flock as well. Be watchful and ready to pounce on evil doing business under your roof.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Smile! People are watching you!
Whatsoever things are good, whatsoever things are lovely, think on these things. While walking through Walmart yesterday, I was in a really good mood by the way, lost in my own happy thoughts, I noticed people smiling at me a lot. I looked for a booger, or toilet paper stuck to me...nope, why is everyone smiling at me????? Finally I realize that I'm so happy that I unconsciously had a huge gri...n on my own face that was sparking all the smiles around me! I felt like Patch Adams doing the people experiment. Now I know why God wants us to think on good things, it actually shows on your countenance {face}. When people walk around constantly worried, or grumpy, or bitter about something, it shows on your face whether you realize it or not and scare people off. When you smile for no reason at people and walk around with a smile, it is contagious!! This started as an unconscious and then a conscious experiment, which was rather fun to watch. I challenge you all to try just walking around your day grinning from ear to ear and humming to yourself, see what happens to the people around you! They will think you have a secret...If they ask you what it is, tell them it's God!
New Resolutions
My new years resolution is to continue learning how to and to become a very affective bold witness for the Lord. I have been struggling with this now for a while, having sinned greatly in almost every arena, and feeling like a big hypocrite at times for having the audacity to try to help other sinners see Christ. I don't like hypocrisy and am very much a black or white, sin or saved type of pers...on.
Conundrum? How do you witness to someone you once sinned with for instance? Your old party buddies, or your old bad influences? If you are a coward, you don't, and I haven't period.
The Lord has truly brought me full circle, and I have seen both sides of the coin and every point in between, been around the block, bought the T-shirt type of sinner. I have loved God, I have cursed God. I have questioned and accused God and His followers, I have intentionally misled His believers when I was lost and angry. I have been the bad influence. I am human...therefore I and we sin daily period it is in our nature since the fall of man.
God has been patiently teaching me the proper ways to help those I love see Him and see that I stand not in judgement of them personally, but that I stand with my hand outstretched to them in love trying to help pull them out of the muck that I just successfully climbed out of myself with God's help alone. I will judge only the sin in which they are bound by, because I have been bound by these very same bonds and God has already illuminated them in myself as sin against Him and helped me to fully repent and turn from them or simply just removed the desire for that sin all together. Judge the sin, not the sinner folks, but love the sinner enough to share with them that what they are involved with is a sin in God's eyes, but that you and God love them enough to show them the truth and if they are ready to free themselves of these sinful bonds, they can be saved and heeled of all sin, I am living proof of this.
I have had several people praying and working with me for years trying to gently and forcefully lead me back to God, what I remember and know to be true is that it wasn't until I decided I had had enough, and chose myself to get down and humble myself on my literal knees and decided to get real with myself and God that my heart changed.
No one could make me see my sin except God HIMSELF, then and only then, did I start listening or believing those who had been telling me I was sinning for years. Exposing sin is a very personal thing that happens between you and God, He worked with me very gently and patiently walking me through each of my sins, holding my hand, and at times, wiping my tears as I realized I was sinning in ways I didn't even know was a sin. This came from me asking the Lord to give me His heart of empathy, and His Holy discernment to know the difference in His voice versus the devil's voice. I begged the Lord to consume me and all my sin in His holy fire and judgement and show me the way to have a true relationship with Him. When I chose to do this myself, God put me through the most intense cleansing, healing period I have ever experienced.
He shined light into every dark, hidden, ugly thing I had in my heart, mind, and soul, and He brought me out of these sins and removed my desire to do these sins, they ones I still struggle with I have to repent and pray daily for deliverance and redemption of these sins.
Having asked for and received the heart of empathy from the Lord, my heart understandable goes out to my friends and family who are still lost, and I know can be saved from sin and be with me in Heaven forever if they so CHOOSE it. I judge you not, for I am a sinner, however as someone who loves you I will shine a light on the sin itself as a sin, because I have been there and done it, you don't have to be in bondage anymore.
Judgement of our brothers comes in the form of the Christian buddy system or like an A.A. sponsor. When you find a good friend in Christ, it is good to share with them your past, or testimony, or sins if you will, why? They will help keep you honest if they are doing their job in Christ that is why. If you know your Christian friend used to be a compulsive gambler, and you see him getting ready to go into a casino, are you not as his friend going to run over and say hey man, lets go fishing together and distract him from falling from that sin, and then witness to him while fishing? If you aren't you should. We are to help those we love clean up and stay clean with us. Hey you guys we are all dirty, lets get together, clean up, and help each other stay clean.
Do not fear the Lords Judgement, it is Holy and necessary to reach Heaven. If you have a problem facing your sin or think you are just way too dirty for God to make you clean and whole again, let me tell you, you are wrong!!! If God can forgive someone like me, and bring me to the place where I can now be an affective tool for someone like Him, think of what HE can do with you.
Take your own sin to the cross and lay it before Him daily and truly repent and ask God to help you turn from it, and God will literally do the rest folks. Immerse yourself in His Word daily. The choice is yours, do you like who you have become? Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you wonder what it would feel like to be released from every tie that binds you and truly feel free?
I did. It worked, period, this is the only advice I know for a fact works, because I did it myself, jump in folks the water is just fine!!! I love each person in Christ who takes the time to read this, and my prayer for myself and you is that Christ continues His cleansing in all of us, for we are a very dirty species in His eyes, and that He will make in you and me a very strong warrior on His behalf. Reach out in love as Christ did to those in sin around you, Christ in you is their only lifeline and if you don't throw out the line, their soul is on your hands. I love you all as Christ loved the church. Go and sin no more.
My new years resolution is to continue learning how to and to become a very affective bold witness for the Lord. I have been struggling with this now for a while, having sinned greatly in almost every arena, and feeling like a big hypocrite at times for having the audacity to try to help other sinners see Christ. I don't like hypocrisy and am very much a black or white, sin or saved type of pers...on. Conundrum? How do you witness to someone you once sinned with for instance? Your old party buddies, or your old bad influences? If you are a coward, you don't, and I haven't period. The Lord has truly brought me full circle, and I have seen both sides of the coin and every point in between, been around the block, bought the T-shirt type of sinner. I have loved God, I have cursed God. I have questioned and accused God and His followers, I have intentionally misled His believers when I was lost and angry. I have been the bad influence. I am human...therefore I and we sin daily period it is in our nature since the fall of man. God has been patiently teaching me the proper ways to help those I love see Him and see that I stand not in judgement of them personally, but that I stand with my hand outstretched to them in love trying to help pull them out of the muck that I just successfully climbed out of myself with God's help alone. I will judge only the sin in which they are bound by, because I have been bound by these very same bonds and God has already illuminated them in myself as sin against Him and helped me to fully repent and turn from them or simply just removed the desire for that sin all together. Judge the sin, not the sinner folks, but love the sinner enough to share with them that what they are involved with is a sin in God's eyes, but that you and God love them enough to show them the truth and if they are ready to free themselves of these sinful bonds, they can be saved and heeled of all sin, I am living proof of this. I have had several people praying and working with me for years trying to gently and forcefully lead me back to God, what I remember and know to be true is that it wasn't until I decided I had had enough, and chose myself to get down and humble myself on my literal knees and decided to get real with myself and God that my heart changed. No one could make me see my sin except God HIMSELF, then and only then, did I start listening or believing those who had been telling me I was sinning for years. Exposing sin is a very personal thing that happens between you and God, He worked with me very gently and patiently walking me through each of my sins, holding my hand, and at times, wiping my tears as I realized I was sinning in ways I didn't even know was a sin. This came from me asking the Lord to give me His heart of empathy, and His Holy discernment to know the difference in His voice versus the devil's voice. I begged the Lord to consume me and all my sin in His holy fire and judgement and show me the way to have a true relationship with Him. When I chose to do this myself, God put me through the most intense cleansing, healing period I have ever experienced. He shined light into every dark, hidden, ugly thing I had in my heart, mind, and soul, and He brought me out of these sins and removed my desire to do these sins, they ones I still struggle with I have to repent and pray daily for deliverance and redemption of these sins. Having asked for and received the heart of empathy from the Lord, my heart understandable goes out to my friends and family who are still lost, and I know can be saved from sin and be with me in Heaven forever if they so CHOOSE it. I judge you not, for I am a sinner, however as someone who loves you I will shine a light on the sin itself as a sin, because I have been there and done it, you don't have to be in bondage anymore. Judgement of our brothers comes in the form of the Christian buddy system or like an A.A. sponsor. When you find a good friend in Christ, it is good to share with them your past, or testimony, or sins if you will, why? They will help keep you honest if they are doing their job in Christ that is why. If you know your Christian friend used to be a compulsive gambler, and you see him getting ready to go into a casino, are you not as his friend going to run over and say hey man, lets go fishing together and distract him from falling from that sin, and then witness to him while fishing? If you aren't you should. We are to help those we love clean up and stay clean with us. Hey you guys we are all dirty, lets get together, clean up, and help each other stay clean. Do not fear the Lords Judgement, it is Holy and necessary to reach Heaven. If you have a problem facing your sin or think you are just way too dirty for God to make you clean and whole again, let me tell you, you are wrong!!! If God can forgive someone like me, and bring me to the place where I can now be an affective tool for someone like Him, think of what HE can do with you. Take your own sin to the cross and lay it before Him daily and truly repent and ask God to help you turn from it, and God will literally do the rest folks. Immerse yourself in His Word daily. The choice is yours, do you like who you have become? Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you wonder what it would feel like to be released from every tie that binds you and truly feel free? I did. It worked, period, this is the only advice I know for a fact works, because I did it myself, jump in folks the water is just fine!!! I love each person in Christ who takes the time to read this, and my prayer for myself and you is that Christ continues His cleansing in all of us, for we are a very dirty species in His eyes, and that He will make in you and me a very strong warrior on His behalf. Reach out in love as Christ did to those in sin around you, Christ in you is their only lifeline and if you don't throw out the line, their soul is on your hands. I love you all as Christ loved the church. Go and sin no more.
Conundrum? How do you witness to someone you once sinned with for instance? Your old party buddies, or your old bad influences? If you are a coward, you don't, and I haven't period.
The Lord has truly brought me full circle, and I have seen both sides of the coin and every point in between, been around the block, bought the T-shirt type of sinner. I have loved God, I have cursed God. I have questioned and accused God and His followers, I have intentionally misled His believers when I was lost and angry. I have been the bad influence. I am human...therefore I and we sin daily period it is in our nature since the fall of man.
God has been patiently teaching me the proper ways to help those I love see Him and see that I stand not in judgement of them personally, but that I stand with my hand outstretched to them in love trying to help pull them out of the muck that I just successfully climbed out of myself with God's help alone. I will judge only the sin in which they are bound by, because I have been bound by these very same bonds and God has already illuminated them in myself as sin against Him and helped me to fully repent and turn from them or simply just removed the desire for that sin all together. Judge the sin, not the sinner folks, but love the sinner enough to share with them that what they are involved with is a sin in God's eyes, but that you and God love them enough to show them the truth and if they are ready to free themselves of these sinful bonds, they can be saved and heeled of all sin, I am living proof of this.
I have had several people praying and working with me for years trying to gently and forcefully lead me back to God, what I remember and know to be true is that it wasn't until I decided I had had enough, and chose myself to get down and humble myself on my literal knees and decided to get real with myself and God that my heart changed.
No one could make me see my sin except God HIMSELF, then and only then, did I start listening or believing those who had been telling me I was sinning for years. Exposing sin is a very personal thing that happens between you and God, He worked with me very gently and patiently walking me through each of my sins, holding my hand, and at times, wiping my tears as I realized I was sinning in ways I didn't even know was a sin. This came from me asking the Lord to give me His heart of empathy, and His Holy discernment to know the difference in His voice versus the devil's voice. I begged the Lord to consume me and all my sin in His holy fire and judgement and show me the way to have a true relationship with Him. When I chose to do this myself, God put me through the most intense cleansing, healing period I have ever experienced.
He shined light into every dark, hidden, ugly thing I had in my heart, mind, and soul, and He brought me out of these sins and removed my desire to do these sins, they ones I still struggle with I have to repent and pray daily for deliverance and redemption of these sins.
Having asked for and received the heart of empathy from the Lord, my heart understandable goes out to my friends and family who are still lost, and I know can be saved from sin and be with me in Heaven forever if they so CHOOSE it. I judge you not, for I am a sinner, however as someone who loves you I will shine a light on the sin itself as a sin, because I have been there and done it, you don't have to be in bondage anymore.
Judgement of our brothers comes in the form of the Christian buddy system or like an A.A. sponsor. When you find a good friend in Christ, it is good to share with them your past, or testimony, or sins if you will, why? They will help keep you honest if they are doing their job in Christ that is why. If you know your Christian friend used to be a compulsive gambler, and you see him getting ready to go into a casino, are you not as his friend going to run over and say hey man, lets go fishing together and distract him from falling from that sin, and then witness to him while fishing? If you aren't you should. We are to help those we love clean up and stay clean with us. Hey you guys we are all dirty, lets get together, clean up, and help each other stay clean.
Do not fear the Lords Judgement, it is Holy and necessary to reach Heaven. If you have a problem facing your sin or think you are just way too dirty for God to make you clean and whole again, let me tell you, you are wrong!!! If God can forgive someone like me, and bring me to the place where I can now be an affective tool for someone like Him, think of what HE can do with you.
Take your own sin to the cross and lay it before Him daily and truly repent and ask God to help you turn from it, and God will literally do the rest folks. Immerse yourself in His Word daily. The choice is yours, do you like who you have become? Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you wonder what it would feel like to be released from every tie that binds you and truly feel free?
I did. It worked, period, this is the only advice I know for a fact works, because I did it myself, jump in folks the water is just fine!!! I love each person in Christ who takes the time to read this, and my prayer for myself and you is that Christ continues His cleansing in all of us, for we are a very dirty species in His eyes, and that He will make in you and me a very strong warrior on His behalf. Reach out in love as Christ did to those in sin around you, Christ in you is their only lifeline and if you don't throw out the line, their soul is on your hands. I love you all as Christ loved the church. Go and sin no more.
My new years resolution is to continue learning how to and to become a very affective bold witness for the Lord. I have been struggling with this now for a while, having sinned greatly in almost every arena, and feeling like a big hypocrite at times for having the audacity to try to help other sinners see Christ. I don't like hypocrisy and am very much a black or white, sin or saved type of pers...on. Conundrum? How do you witness to someone you once sinned with for instance? Your old party buddies, or your old bad influences? If you are a coward, you don't, and I haven't period. The Lord has truly brought me full circle, and I have seen both sides of the coin and every point in between, been around the block, bought the T-shirt type of sinner. I have loved God, I have cursed God. I have questioned and accused God and His followers, I have intentionally misled His believers when I was lost and angry. I have been the bad influence. I am human...therefore I and we sin daily period it is in our nature since the fall of man. God has been patiently teaching me the proper ways to help those I love see Him and see that I stand not in judgement of them personally, but that I stand with my hand outstretched to them in love trying to help pull them out of the muck that I just successfully climbed out of myself with God's help alone. I will judge only the sin in which they are bound by, because I have been bound by these very same bonds and God has already illuminated them in myself as sin against Him and helped me to fully repent and turn from them or simply just removed the desire for that sin all together. Judge the sin, not the sinner folks, but love the sinner enough to share with them that what they are involved with is a sin in God's eyes, but that you and God love them enough to show them the truth and if they are ready to free themselves of these sinful bonds, they can be saved and heeled of all sin, I am living proof of this. I have had several people praying and working with me for years trying to gently and forcefully lead me back to God, what I remember and know to be true is that it wasn't until I decided I had had enough, and chose myself to get down and humble myself on my literal knees and decided to get real with myself and God that my heart changed. No one could make me see my sin except God HIMSELF, then and only then, did I start listening or believing those who had been telling me I was sinning for years. Exposing sin is a very personal thing that happens between you and God, He worked with me very gently and patiently walking me through each of my sins, holding my hand, and at times, wiping my tears as I realized I was sinning in ways I didn't even know was a sin. This came from me asking the Lord to give me His heart of empathy, and His Holy discernment to know the difference in His voice versus the devil's voice. I begged the Lord to consume me and all my sin in His holy fire and judgement and show me the way to have a true relationship with Him. When I chose to do this myself, God put me through the most intense cleansing, healing period I have ever experienced. He shined light into every dark, hidden, ugly thing I had in my heart, mind, and soul, and He brought me out of these sins and removed my desire to do these sins, they ones I still struggle with I have to repent and pray daily for deliverance and redemption of these sins. Having asked for and received the heart of empathy from the Lord, my heart understandable goes out to my friends and family who are still lost, and I know can be saved from sin and be with me in Heaven forever if they so CHOOSE it. I judge you not, for I am a sinner, however as someone who loves you I will shine a light on the sin itself as a sin, because I have been there and done it, you don't have to be in bondage anymore. Judgement of our brothers comes in the form of the Christian buddy system or like an A.A. sponsor. When you find a good friend in Christ, it is good to share with them your past, or testimony, or sins if you will, why? They will help keep you honest if they are doing their job in Christ that is why. If you know your Christian friend used to be a compulsive gambler, and you see him getting ready to go into a casino, are you not as his friend going to run over and say hey man, lets go fishing together and distract him from falling from that sin, and then witness to him while fishing? If you aren't you should. We are to help those we love clean up and stay clean with us. Hey you guys we are all dirty, lets get together, clean up, and help each other stay clean. Do not fear the Lords Judgement, it is Holy and necessary to reach Heaven. If you have a problem facing your sin or think you are just way too dirty for God to make you clean and whole again, let me tell you, you are wrong!!! If God can forgive someone like me, and bring me to the place where I can now be an affective tool for someone like Him, think of what HE can do with you. Take your own sin to the cross and lay it before Him daily and truly repent and ask God to help you turn from it, and God will literally do the rest folks. Immerse yourself in His Word daily. The choice is yours, do you like who you have become? Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you wonder what it would feel like to be released from every tie that binds you and truly feel free? I did. It worked, period, this is the only advice I know for a fact works, because I did it myself, jump in folks the water is just fine!!! I love each person in Christ who takes the time to read this, and my prayer for myself and you is that Christ continues His cleansing in all of us, for we are a very dirty species in His eyes, and that He will make in you and me a very strong warrior on His behalf. Reach out in love as Christ did to those in sin around you, Christ in you is their only lifeline and if you don't throw out the line, their soul is on your hands. I love you all as Christ loved the church. Go and sin no more.
Everyone's reality is real to them
Who determines what reality is? Who determines what is normal? I have been thinking a lot about peoples realities lately. We are so quick to label things as right, wrong, weird, abnormal, but what we do not realize is that what you think, you are.
If someone is a dark, depressive personality, then that is their reality, whereas a happy thought type of person can be in the same environment wi...th the depressed guy and this persons reality is completely different. Stay with me here. We label mental patients as nuts or crazies, because they see or hear things that only they can see right?
Our reality says there is nothing there why are you freaking out? The mental person's reality is different however, they are seeing monsters, or demons attacking them or talking to them that we do not see or hear, but it is their truth and reality. Which reality is true? Both.
Reality exists only in the mind of the individual and every individual has a different reality than you do. Whether we understand it, like it, agree with it, it is their truth whether you know it or not. You can not change someone else's truth, even when you want to , they are the only ones who can change their reality. People have lost the desire to see things from other peoples perspectives, so they can understand one another and make a connection with that person. It is just so much easier to label them and move on.
I have met some really great, interesting people, that most would have overlooked, or deemed unsavory and not approached at all. Don't be afraid of everyone, reach out and try to make a connection to another reality, you may just learn something about your own.
Don't worry about being normal, for it does not exist in a world that literally has billions of different realities running around on it at the same time. You are what you think you are, if you don't like what you are, change your mind...it's the only way to take control of your own reality.
You are as happy or miserable as you choose to be...
If someone is a dark, depressive personality, then that is their reality, whereas a happy thought type of person can be in the same environment wi...th the depressed guy and this persons reality is completely different. Stay with me here. We label mental patients as nuts or crazies, because they see or hear things that only they can see right?
Our reality says there is nothing there why are you freaking out? The mental person's reality is different however, they are seeing monsters, or demons attacking them or talking to them that we do not see or hear, but it is their truth and reality. Which reality is true? Both.
Reality exists only in the mind of the individual and every individual has a different reality than you do. Whether we understand it, like it, agree with it, it is their truth whether you know it or not. You can not change someone else's truth, even when you want to , they are the only ones who can change their reality. People have lost the desire to see things from other peoples perspectives, so they can understand one another and make a connection with that person. It is just so much easier to label them and move on.
I have met some really great, interesting people, that most would have overlooked, or deemed unsavory and not approached at all. Don't be afraid of everyone, reach out and try to make a connection to another reality, you may just learn something about your own.
Don't worry about being normal, for it does not exist in a world that literally has billions of different realities running around on it at the same time. You are what you think you are, if you don't like what you are, change your mind...it's the only way to take control of your own reality.
You are as happy or miserable as you choose to be...
Apologizing for telling the truth?
I think I will start a new trend in my new year, I will not apologize for telling the truth anymore. I used to do that a lot, well I'm sorry but it's the truth, you know. No more. I will ask for forgiveness if I lie, but I will not apologize for the truth, come what may...Trying to spare peoples feelings has really led to tolerance of sin. In these modern days the devil has made it so convenie...nt to sin, and because of it's convenience we accept it or overlook it, WWJD? Sin at the push of a button is still sin. This world is teaching our children tolerance, this is very dangerous. Do not tolerate what you know to be sin or morally wrong, God doesn't so why should you? Thanks Lord for emboldening me in your Word...
What grace really means

I remember being 7 yrs. old in Mexico with my parents as the were visiting missionaries. The small village we stayed at had no plumbing of course, but did have outhouses that were emptied into one very large rectangular hole dug about 6 feet deep. It was filled to the brim with raw sewage or poop if you will. My red balloon fell into the middle of this bog of eternal stench and the village children egged me to get it out, so being bold I tried and did a nose dive head first into this pit.
My father remembers seeing the village children coming over the hill surrounding a moving brown object that was roughly the shape and size of his smallest girl, and just knew that it could only be his kid. This is where my memory ends and my parents half of the story was told me recently. They had no running water in the village except at the Dr.'s house and they took me to him to get me cleaned up, he said, "don't bother she will be dead shortly or at the latest by morning!" He had seen several cases like mine and none had survived do to the billions of microorganisms and disease that were now coursing through my system. They washed me and prayed and the next morning I was running and playing with the kids as if nothing had happened.
I also have been told as a toddler I drank drano and lived to tell about it as well. Before you judge, remember I was a child of the early 70's before childproofing and all that stuff. My parents lived on prayer and faith, and I'm still here, so guess that just proves my point. I have seen this on TV and Drano is a serious acid that eats you from the esophagus down. You don't survive this, and if you do, you are permanently disfigured and disabled inside. I am not.
I have almost drowned a few times and each time I was miraculously pulled out at the last second, Dena Trice was one of these angels who saved me. That instance I watched the scene from above looking down at my body, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me free of flood debris in the rapids.
I have had several serious horse falls that should have killed me, I was bitten by a scorpion as a small girl at Wimberly and Jerry Owens prayed for me and it was as if an ant bit me.
I have had several otherworldly moments in my life while driving in bad conditions when a voice told me to slow down! I have always listened and always missed the three deer standing in the middle of the road around the corner, or the disabled vehicle in the road.
I learned from my parents that I am really lucky just to still be alive. I have had more lives than a cat apparently and God had not let me be harmed or die even when it was the only possible outcome. I don't know about you, but wow has this knowledge bolstered my faith in God to protect me from all harm. I am in awe that God has thought so much of me that he has saved me from my own stupidity my whole life, and I just always chocked it up to I'm lucky I guess, sorry God!
Love every moment you live! Live every moment to love! You never know when God's grace will run out and you could be gone in the blink of an eye. I will not waste anymore of my life, and I will not fear death or any evil thing formed against me! That is what Grace is, God sacrificing his son so stupid me covered in poo could live. The devil has come over and over to take me and God has covered me in his lambs blood over and over again, I will never take that for granted again Father! I thank you for my life and each new chance to change.
How many chances has God given you?
Godly Judgment
Recently a friend posted about not judging people and do not have a judgmental spirit, and several comments below were in agreement and said never judge people period. I am sorry but I must disagree and try to educate a little bit here or in God's eyes I do not love you all or care about your souls. Here is the comment that the Lord gave me after taking this to the Word and reading His take on J...udging, read the scriptures and then Judge for yourselves the truth.
Not trying to stir things but the Bible is very specific about judging things from a place of righteousness only. We are to judge the actions of a person against the laws of the Bible, but not if we are guilty of the same sin, for then you will be judged exactly the same. If you are innocent of sin and you love your brother or sister in Christ and as Christ, it is your duty to go to them and try to bring them back into righteousness. If they do not listen you are to bring 2 and then 3 witness's with you as witness of their behavior and again try to bring them back, if they don't listen you are to shun them to shame them and have no more communion with them. He tells us to abhor sin, and to go and preach the truth, live the truth, go and reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching. He tells us that the righteous shall judge the earth, and tells us that we are to judge the angels. Just never do it if you are guilty of these same sins for this is the biggest hypocrisy. I paraphrased the scriptures I just read concerning these things, if you wish to read the truth you can look these scriptures up. They are 2 Tim 4:2, Leviticus 19:15, Proverbs 31:9, 1 Cor 6:2-3, 1 Cor 5:1-13, especially 12-13, Math 18:15-17, Ephes. 5:3-5. Judging the sin is not wrong, judging the man himself is not for us, but for God alone. Love them enough to help them from their sin, teach them how you overcame the same sins. If we as Christians keep hiding in sin and say don't judge each other, it is because we are afraid of judgement ourselves, and this keeps us from witnessing and spreading the truth as Christ did. Take the sin to the Word, you are not judging them but showing them the Truth, if they choose not to believe, you are not responsible for their soul at that point, but if you know the truth and do not share it or be your brothers keeper, their soul is on your head. We can no longer sin, we must show God through our righteous deeds as an example to all to live, then no man can judge you not even yourself, but God alone. We can no longer be cowards in our sin and afraid to witness for fear of judgment, for this is what the Devil is counting on to shut the mouths of the just and righteous. Don't let sin go unexposed, shine God's light on it and it will be judge by Him. You are to just be the light that brings it into view so God's love and holy fire can consume it. Be careful, the devil loves to play with Christians through judgement and has blinders on most people, and justifications, and He knows The Word of God just like us and He uses it to confuse the Christians and keep them ineffective for the Lord's work. Jesus spoke the truth and was hated for it, they despised Him, He came off as a self righteous, know it all, blasphemer who rankled all of those in religious places. If you are a true follower of Christ's ways, you too will not be liked, or loved, you will be shunned and judged, as judgmental, love them enough to keep trying anyway as Christ did, be willing to lay down your life for those that hate and scorn you for this. Sorry, The Lord just really needs all of His children on the same page. We are all sinners so we can't be hating, but we can come together in love and exhort one another not to sin, for Jesus did this. Sorry I got a bit long winded again, but the Bible is very clear and easily misconstrued if you just read one verse out of context to the entire chaper. Read before and after all verses on these subject and the truth will be clear to you if the Spirit is in you.
Not trying to stir things but the Bible is very specific about judging things from a place of righteousness only. We are to judge the actions of a person against the laws of the Bible, but not if we are guilty of the same sin, for then you will be judged exactly the same. If you are innocent of sin and you love your brother or sister in Christ and as Christ, it is your duty to go to them and try to bring them back into righteousness. If they do not listen you are to bring 2 and then 3 witness's with you as witness of their behavior and again try to bring them back, if they don't listen you are to shun them to shame them and have no more communion with them. He tells us to abhor sin, and to go and preach the truth, live the truth, go and reprove, rebuke, and exhort with complete patience and teaching. He tells us that the righteous shall judge the earth, and tells us that we are to judge the angels. Just never do it if you are guilty of these same sins for this is the biggest hypocrisy. I paraphrased the scriptures I just read concerning these things, if you wish to read the truth you can look these scriptures up. They are 2 Tim 4:2, Leviticus 19:15, Proverbs 31:9, 1 Cor 6:2-3, 1 Cor 5:1-13, especially 12-13, Math 18:15-17, Ephes. 5:3-5. Judging the sin is not wrong, judging the man himself is not for us, but for God alone. Love them enough to help them from their sin, teach them how you overcame the same sins. If we as Christians keep hiding in sin and say don't judge each other, it is because we are afraid of judgement ourselves, and this keeps us from witnessing and spreading the truth as Christ did. Take the sin to the Word, you are not judging them but showing them the Truth, if they choose not to believe, you are not responsible for their soul at that point, but if you know the truth and do not share it or be your brothers keeper, their soul is on your head. We can no longer sin, we must show God through our righteous deeds as an example to all to live, then no man can judge you not even yourself, but God alone. We can no longer be cowards in our sin and afraid to witness for fear of judgment, for this is what the Devil is counting on to shut the mouths of the just and righteous. Don't let sin go unexposed, shine God's light on it and it will be judge by Him. You are to just be the light that brings it into view so God's love and holy fire can consume it. Be careful, the devil loves to play with Christians through judgement and has blinders on most people, and justifications, and He knows The Word of God just like us and He uses it to confuse the Christians and keep them ineffective for the Lord's work. Jesus spoke the truth and was hated for it, they despised Him, He came off as a self righteous, know it all, blasphemer who rankled all of those in religious places. If you are a true follower of Christ's ways, you too will not be liked, or loved, you will be shunned and judged, as judgmental, love them enough to keep trying anyway as Christ did, be willing to lay down your life for those that hate and scorn you for this. Sorry, The Lord just really needs all of His children on the same page. We are all sinners so we can't be hating, but we can come together in love and exhort one another not to sin, for Jesus did this. Sorry I got a bit long winded again, but the Bible is very clear and easily misconstrued if you just read one verse out of context to the entire chaper. Read before and after all verses on these subject and the truth will be clear to you if the Spirit is in you.
The Rainbow covenant
God has of late been showing me the devils works towards the Church and God's people, he has been a busy little bee! He has taken our beautiful rainbow that served as a reminder of God's response to sin, in totally drowning it out and the covenant to never flood us again, and the devil handed it to the homosexuals as a banner to fly in the face of God to represent their flagrant sins, do not forg...et God's response to this exact sin at Sodom and Gammorah.
The devil took words from the Bible such as righteousness and turned it into a bad word or insult to Christians trying to preach God's word effectively. "Don't be a self righteous Christian"! We are to be self righteous, but not puffed up in it, we are to be humble yet bold. If people are calling you self righteous you are obviously on the right track...Keep it up! We are righteous because God is in us, we are never righteous in our own deeds, give all the glory to God in your righteousness and do not put your righteousness down to please the sinners, this is what they and the devil want! Do not be deceived!
The devil has made words such as judgement, rebuke, consequences, suffering, conviction, and spirituality, and repentance a bad thing, and a bad word. Do not be fooled, these words are a beautiful gift from God and are there to bring each and every one of us to total repentance before the cross. If we do not hold these words as precious and dear and adhere to them daily we will not be allowed to see God, the devil knows this and is frantically trying to distract, deter, and flat our lie to us about these facts to keep us from our destinies as a child of God. Do not let him win! Fight to keep these words Holy and relevant in your life and do not let friends or family convince you that you are wrong for following them, for they are the only way to God. Be strong in the Lord and He will do great things, not us. Stand on God's word even when it makes you unpopular or hated! Christ did! Lord you gave the rainbow covenant to those righteous left after you wiped out the unrighteousness from the planet. I will not be distracted by unrighteous people holding up your symbol of righteousness. Thank you Father for opening my eyes to the devil's deceptions and giving me the boldness to share your Words, I will not be moved. I stand planted firmly in your Word alone. But for the Grace of God, there go I.
The devil took words from the Bible such as righteousness and turned it into a bad word or insult to Christians trying to preach God's word effectively. "Don't be a self righteous Christian"! We are to be self righteous, but not puffed up in it, we are to be humble yet bold. If people are calling you self righteous you are obviously on the right track...Keep it up! We are righteous because God is in us, we are never righteous in our own deeds, give all the glory to God in your righteousness and do not put your righteousness down to please the sinners, this is what they and the devil want! Do not be deceived!
The devil has made words such as judgement, rebuke, consequences, suffering, conviction, and spirituality, and repentance a bad thing, and a bad word. Do not be fooled, these words are a beautiful gift from God and are there to bring each and every one of us to total repentance before the cross. If we do not hold these words as precious and dear and adhere to them daily we will not be allowed to see God, the devil knows this and is frantically trying to distract, deter, and flat our lie to us about these facts to keep us from our destinies as a child of God. Do not let him win! Fight to keep these words Holy and relevant in your life and do not let friends or family convince you that you are wrong for following them, for they are the only way to God. Be strong in the Lord and He will do great things, not us. Stand on God's word even when it makes you unpopular or hated! Christ did! Lord you gave the rainbow covenant to those righteous left after you wiped out the unrighteousness from the planet. I will not be distracted by unrighteous people holding up your symbol of righteousness. Thank you Father for opening my eyes to the devil's deceptions and giving me the boldness to share your Words, I will not be moved. I stand planted firmly in your Word alone. But for the Grace of God, there go I.
The Game of Life
The game of life. The universe is God's chess board and all of it's inhabitants are the players on the board.
Some of us are simple pawns, limited in movement, but important and willing to lay down our lives so that the bigger pieces can move forward unhindered towards the end.
Some of us are the thinkers and strategic pieces on the board who are so vital to maneuvering God's plan forward to...wards His victory and again, being willing to die so that our King may live.
We forget that the players will does not matter only the King.
The game will be played.
We forget that we are the pieces not the players.
We forget that it takes two to play this game of life.
Good and Evil. God and Lucifer.
We forget that the outcome was already written into The Bible and was won by God. The devil loses. We forget that as we go about our merry ways as unwilling players to this game. We forget that it is our duty to jump when the Father commands it.
We think we have some choice, or that God wants to hear all of our whining if He as the Creator of all asks his players to lay down their life for Him so that He may win.
I think this was why He told us not to even take 2 tunics with us when we traveled, but to only take one outfit and a pair of shoes and go by faith and work your way forward. He wanted us to be free to jump the second he needed us to.
When we encumber ourselves with millions of possessions, homes, things, responsibilities, etc. it sure makes it hard to move on command doesn't it? If we as players root to deeply where he puts us, how can he use us in the game? Jesus was a nomad in constant movement and always busy doing the Lord's bidding, not His own. Wow that's mind boggling, and convicting right?
We as the players on the board are failing our God. We are busy warring each other because of what color we are, or how much they have, or what ever we are all fighting over now a days. We change sides in the middle of the game, a lot. We think that each of us are alone and not connected to each other in any way. We think that we don't need to die for our neighbor so that they may live. We are busy playing our own games, all of us. The whole board is chaos!
The Father waits patiently for the players to cooperate and let Him run the game as was meant to be. We are small but we are mighty and important to God. He can not win unless we stick together and be willing to die for Him or each other and be willing to move forward on His command, even when it is to the death. Do it and rejoice knowing that your death helped to advance His Kingdom. His victory is what is important, not the pieces.
Let us lighten our loads guys, let us get in the game, and quit competing with each other so that the Lord can finish competing with the devil and bring us all home. The prizes come after the game is over. I know the Lord will compensate each and every one of His pieces for the personal sacrifices they had to make so that He could win the game.
Be patient and be willing!!!!!! Sit quietly where the Lord puts you and wait for His next move. Be willing to go where He wants to move you to, even when no one else will go there. You have to be brave. You have to love your King, you have to give up your own fleshly desires and be a willing pawn for the Lord. This is a hard thing. I have a lot of work to do Lord to get me to where you need me, but I will begin now. I will lighten my load, I will be more spontaneous, I will be ready to roll when you say go. Not my will but yours.
Hey Devil, you think you can beat Him don't you? You keep forgetting that He created you! He gave you what you got! He created the board and the pieces your playing with! It is really cute of you to think that you can beat HIM!
I will try not to laugh at you...this would displease MY KING! I will gladly sacrifice myself so that MY KING can wipe the floor with you, since he already removed your legs, this shouldn't be to hard for Him to do, don't you think? How ironic that He will use your filthy self to mop up the mess you made of the world and make it clean again, then He will throw you into the furnace like a used dust cloth. That is MY KING, the only reason HE even created You was to be HIS opposition, to make HIM shine brighter.
If a GOD is never challenged how does HE prove HE is the GOD of all gods. Think of that. There had to be a Satan, to show off God's goodness and power. God created all even HIS ...supposed competition...The devil keeps forgetting that I think. Check Mate!
Some of us are simple pawns, limited in movement, but important and willing to lay down our lives so that the bigger pieces can move forward unhindered towards the end.
Some of us are the thinkers and strategic pieces on the board who are so vital to maneuvering God's plan forward to...wards His victory and again, being willing to die so that our King may live.
We forget that the players will does not matter only the King.
The game will be played.
We forget that we are the pieces not the players.
We forget that it takes two to play this game of life.
Good and Evil. God and Lucifer.
We forget that the outcome was already written into The Bible and was won by God. The devil loses. We forget that as we go about our merry ways as unwilling players to this game. We forget that it is our duty to jump when the Father commands it.
We think we have some choice, or that God wants to hear all of our whining if He as the Creator of all asks his players to lay down their life for Him so that He may win.
I think this was why He told us not to even take 2 tunics with us when we traveled, but to only take one outfit and a pair of shoes and go by faith and work your way forward. He wanted us to be free to jump the second he needed us to.
When we encumber ourselves with millions of possessions, homes, things, responsibilities, etc. it sure makes it hard to move on command doesn't it? If we as players root to deeply where he puts us, how can he use us in the game? Jesus was a nomad in constant movement and always busy doing the Lord's bidding, not His own. Wow that's mind boggling, and convicting right?
We as the players on the board are failing our God. We are busy warring each other because of what color we are, or how much they have, or what ever we are all fighting over now a days. We change sides in the middle of the game, a lot. We think that each of us are alone and not connected to each other in any way. We think that we don't need to die for our neighbor so that they may live. We are busy playing our own games, all of us. The whole board is chaos!
The Father waits patiently for the players to cooperate and let Him run the game as was meant to be. We are small but we are mighty and important to God. He can not win unless we stick together and be willing to die for Him or each other and be willing to move forward on His command, even when it is to the death. Do it and rejoice knowing that your death helped to advance His Kingdom. His victory is what is important, not the pieces.
Let us lighten our loads guys, let us get in the game, and quit competing with each other so that the Lord can finish competing with the devil and bring us all home. The prizes come after the game is over. I know the Lord will compensate each and every one of His pieces for the personal sacrifices they had to make so that He could win the game.
Be patient and be willing!!!!!! Sit quietly where the Lord puts you and wait for His next move. Be willing to go where He wants to move you to, even when no one else will go there. You have to be brave. You have to love your King, you have to give up your own fleshly desires and be a willing pawn for the Lord. This is a hard thing. I have a lot of work to do Lord to get me to where you need me, but I will begin now. I will lighten my load, I will be more spontaneous, I will be ready to roll when you say go. Not my will but yours.
Hey Devil, you think you can beat Him don't you? You keep forgetting that He created you! He gave you what you got! He created the board and the pieces your playing with! It is really cute of you to think that you can beat HIM!
I will try not to laugh at you...this would displease MY KING! I will gladly sacrifice myself so that MY KING can wipe the floor with you, since he already removed your legs, this shouldn't be to hard for Him to do, don't you think? How ironic that He will use your filthy self to mop up the mess you made of the world and make it clean again, then He will throw you into the furnace like a used dust cloth. That is MY KING, the only reason HE even created You was to be HIS opposition, to make HIM shine brighter.
If a GOD is never challenged how does HE prove HE is the GOD of all gods. Think of that. There had to be a Satan, to show off God's goodness and power. God created all even HIS ...supposed competition...The devil keeps forgetting that I think. Check Mate!
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