My new years resolution is to continue learning how to and to become a very affective bold witness for the Lord. I have been struggling with this now for a while, having sinned greatly in almost every arena, and feeling like a big hypocrite at times for having the audacity to try to help other sinners see Christ. I don't like hypocrisy and am very much a black or white, sin or saved type of pers...on.
Conundrum? How do you witness to someone you once sinned with for instance? Your old party buddies, or your old bad influences? If you are a coward, you don't, and I haven't period.
The Lord has truly brought me full circle, and I have seen both sides of the coin and every point in between, been around the block, bought the T-shirt type of sinner. I have loved God, I have cursed God. I have questioned and accused God and His followers, I have intentionally misled His believers when I was lost and angry. I have been the bad influence. I am human...therefore I and we sin daily period it is in our nature since the fall of man.
God has been patiently teaching me the proper ways to help those I love see Him and see that I stand not in judgement of them personally, but that I stand with my hand outstretched to them in love trying to help pull them out of the muck that I just successfully climbed out of myself with God's help alone. I will judge only the sin in which they are bound by, because I have been bound by these very same bonds and God has already illuminated them in myself as sin against Him and helped me to fully repent and turn from them or simply just removed the desire for that sin all together. Judge the sin, not the sinner folks, but love the sinner enough to share with them that what they are involved with is a sin in God's eyes, but that you and God love them enough to show them the truth and if they are ready to free themselves of these sinful bonds, they can be saved and heeled of all sin, I am living proof of this.
I have had several people praying and working with me for years trying to gently and forcefully lead me back to God, what I remember and know to be true is that it wasn't until I decided I had had enough, and chose myself to get down and humble myself on my literal knees and decided to get real with myself and God that my heart changed.
No one could make me see my sin except God HIMSELF, then and only then, did I start listening or believing those who had been telling me I was sinning for years. Exposing sin is a very personal thing that happens between you and God, He worked with me very gently and patiently walking me through each of my sins, holding my hand, and at times, wiping my tears as I realized I was sinning in ways I didn't even know was a sin. This came from me asking the Lord to give me His heart of empathy, and His Holy discernment to know the difference in His voice versus the devil's voice. I begged the Lord to consume me and all my sin in His holy fire and judgement and show me the way to have a true relationship with Him. When I chose to do this myself, God put me through the most intense cleansing, healing period I have ever experienced.
He shined light into every dark, hidden, ugly thing I had in my heart, mind, and soul, and He brought me out of these sins and removed my desire to do these sins, they ones I still struggle with I have to repent and pray daily for deliverance and redemption of these sins.
Having asked for and received the heart of empathy from the Lord, my heart understandable goes out to my friends and family who are still lost, and I know can be saved from sin and be with me in Heaven forever if they so CHOOSE it. I judge you not, for I am a sinner, however as someone who loves you I will shine a light on the sin itself as a sin, because I have been there and done it, you don't have to be in bondage anymore.
Judgement of our brothers comes in the form of the Christian buddy system or like an A.A. sponsor. When you find a good friend in Christ, it is good to share with them your past, or testimony, or sins if you will, why? They will help keep you honest if they are doing their job in Christ that is why. If you know your Christian friend used to be a compulsive gambler, and you see him getting ready to go into a casino, are you not as his friend going to run over and say hey man, lets go fishing together and distract him from falling from that sin, and then witness to him while fishing? If you aren't you should. We are to help those we love clean up and stay clean with us. Hey you guys we are all dirty, lets get together, clean up, and help each other stay clean.
Do not fear the Lords Judgement, it is Holy and necessary to reach Heaven. If you have a problem facing your sin or think you are just way too dirty for God to make you clean and whole again, let me tell you, you are wrong!!! If God can forgive someone like me, and bring me to the place where I can now be an affective tool for someone like Him, think of what HE can do with you.
Take your own sin to the cross and lay it before Him daily and truly repent and ask God to help you turn from it, and God will literally do the rest folks. Immerse yourself in His Word daily. The choice is yours, do you like who you have become? Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you wonder what it would feel like to be released from every tie that binds you and truly feel free?
I did. It worked, period, this is the only advice I know for a fact works, because I did it myself, jump in folks the water is just fine!!! I love each person in Christ who takes the time to read this, and my prayer for myself and you is that Christ continues His cleansing in all of us, for we are a very dirty species in His eyes, and that He will make in you and me a very strong warrior on His behalf. Reach out in love as Christ did to those in sin around you, Christ in you is their only lifeline and if you don't throw out the line, their soul is on your hands. I love you all as Christ loved the church. Go and sin no more.
My new years resolution is to continue learning how to and to become a very affective bold witness for the Lord. I have been struggling with this now for a while, having sinned greatly in almost every arena, and feeling like a big hypocrite at times for having the audacity to try to help other sinners see Christ. I don't like hypocrisy and am very much a black or white, sin or saved type of pers...on. Conundrum? How do you witness to someone you once sinned with for instance? Your old party buddies, or your old bad influences? If you are a coward, you don't, and I haven't period. The Lord has truly brought me full circle, and I have seen both sides of the coin and every point in between, been around the block, bought the T-shirt type of sinner. I have loved God, I have cursed God. I have questioned and accused God and His followers, I have intentionally misled His believers when I was lost and angry. I have been the bad influence. I am human...therefore I and we sin daily period it is in our nature since the fall of man. God has been patiently teaching me the proper ways to help those I love see Him and see that I stand not in judgement of them personally, but that I stand with my hand outstretched to them in love trying to help pull them out of the muck that I just successfully climbed out of myself with God's help alone. I will judge only the sin in which they are bound by, because I have been bound by these very same bonds and God has already illuminated them in myself as sin against Him and helped me to fully repent and turn from them or simply just removed the desire for that sin all together. Judge the sin, not the sinner folks, but love the sinner enough to share with them that what they are involved with is a sin in God's eyes, but that you and God love them enough to show them the truth and if they are ready to free themselves of these sinful bonds, they can be saved and heeled of all sin, I am living proof of this. I have had several people praying and working with me for years trying to gently and forcefully lead me back to God, what I remember and know to be true is that it wasn't until I decided I had had enough, and chose myself to get down and humble myself on my literal knees and decided to get real with myself and God that my heart changed. No one could make me see my sin except God HIMSELF, then and only then, did I start listening or believing those who had been telling me I was sinning for years. Exposing sin is a very personal thing that happens between you and God, He worked with me very gently and patiently walking me through each of my sins, holding my hand, and at times, wiping my tears as I realized I was sinning in ways I didn't even know was a sin. This came from me asking the Lord to give me His heart of empathy, and His Holy discernment to know the difference in His voice versus the devil's voice. I begged the Lord to consume me and all my sin in His holy fire and judgement and show me the way to have a true relationship with Him. When I chose to do this myself, God put me through the most intense cleansing, healing period I have ever experienced. He shined light into every dark, hidden, ugly thing I had in my heart, mind, and soul, and He brought me out of these sins and removed my desire to do these sins, they ones I still struggle with I have to repent and pray daily for deliverance and redemption of these sins. Having asked for and received the heart of empathy from the Lord, my heart understandable goes out to my friends and family who are still lost, and I know can be saved from sin and be with me in Heaven forever if they so CHOOSE it. I judge you not, for I am a sinner, however as someone who loves you I will shine a light on the sin itself as a sin, because I have been there and done it, you don't have to be in bondage anymore. Judgement of our brothers comes in the form of the Christian buddy system or like an A.A. sponsor. When you find a good friend in Christ, it is good to share with them your past, or testimony, or sins if you will, why? They will help keep you honest if they are doing their job in Christ that is why. If you know your Christian friend used to be a compulsive gambler, and you see him getting ready to go into a casino, are you not as his friend going to run over and say hey man, lets go fishing together and distract him from falling from that sin, and then witness to him while fishing? If you aren't you should. We are to help those we love clean up and stay clean with us. Hey you guys we are all dirty, lets get together, clean up, and help each other stay clean. Do not fear the Lords Judgement, it is Holy and necessary to reach Heaven. If you have a problem facing your sin or think you are just way too dirty for God to make you clean and whole again, let me tell you, you are wrong!!! If God can forgive someone like me, and bring me to the place where I can now be an affective tool for someone like Him, think of what HE can do with you. Take your own sin to the cross and lay it before Him daily and truly repent and ask God to help you turn from it, and God will literally do the rest folks. Immerse yourself in His Word daily. The choice is yours, do you like who you have become? Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Do you wonder what it would feel like to be released from every tie that binds you and truly feel free? I did. It worked, period, this is the only advice I know for a fact works, because I did it myself, jump in folks the water is just fine!!! I love each person in Christ who takes the time to read this, and my prayer for myself and you is that Christ continues His cleansing in all of us, for we are a very dirty species in His eyes, and that He will make in you and me a very strong warrior on His behalf. Reach out in love as Christ did to those in sin around you, Christ in you is their only lifeline and if you don't throw out the line, their soul is on your hands. I love you all as Christ loved the church. Go and sin no more.
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